Modernizing Your Practice with Social Media and Cl ...
Bonus: USP Worksheet
Bonus: USP Worksheet
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This document is a marketing goals worksheet provided by the International Hearing Society. It is intended for exclusive use by attendees of the Modernizing Your Practice with Social Media and Clinical Best Practices webinar who have successfully completed a CE quiz for CE credit. The document cannot be duplicated, distributed, or sold without permission from IHS. <br /><br />The worksheet guides you in developing a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) by conducting a SWOT analysis and using your mission statement and core values. The USP is a concise statement that communicates your brand's focus and is used in communication with patients. <br /><br />The document provides examples of famous USPs such as Avis, FedEx Corporation, Head & Shoulders, and M&Ms. It also includes additional resources on USPs. <br /><br />The worksheet suggests questions to help you develop your USP, such as what you want to be known for in your community, the message you want to send to your patients or customers, and how your current patients or customers feel about you. It also asks about the testing you conduct in your clinic, any aural rehabilitation classes or programs you offer, and what makes you and your care memorable. The worksheet also prompts you to describe your practice or business in ten words or less and identify your top three strengths and what you do better than your competitors.
marketing goals
International Hearing Society
SWOT analysis
communication with patients
famous USPs
top three strengths
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