Acoustic Reflex Testing: Methodology, Interpretation and Clinical Uses
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Are you utilizing acoustic reflex testing in your practice?

It was once thought that acoustic reflexes were nature’s own protection against noise induced hearing loss. We now know that the purpose of acoustic reflexes is to decrease the intensity of our voices while we are speaking. Measurement of acoustic reflexes should be included within the series of tests performed with tympanometry and does not require a voluntary response by the patient. Air-bone gaps that are seen in pure tone testing can be assessed and often explained by a quick five-minute test of tympanometry and acoustic reflexes.

Join us for an in-depth look at acoustic reflex testing common practices and how to implement them within your practice. Expert presenter, Ted Venema, PhD, will present an overview of the methodology, interpretation and clinical uses of acoustic reflex testing.

  • Describe the general principles behind tympanometry and acoustic reflex testing
  • Interpret acoustic reflex findings consistent with conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and retro-cochlear pathology
  • Assess the scope of practice of the hearing healthcare professional as it relates to acoustic reflexes
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