Aural Rehabilitation in Modern Practice Webinar
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Student Member: $29.00
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Non-Member: $59.00
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1.5 Contact Hours Credits

Your patient has received their hearing aids—now what?

Patients need help adjusting to hearing loss and making the best use of their hearing aids and assistive devices, but this process starts from the moment you meet the patient, not after they’ve received their hearing aids. Learn how to embed counseling and aural rehabilitation (AR) techniques in every appointment to show your patients how to live and function with a hearing aid and hearing loss, without limiting their independence.

Educator and hearing aid specialist David Frazier, BS, takes you through his aural rehabilitation process and demonstrates how to use AR in your practice to increase patient acceptance and enjoyment of hearing aids, encourage customer loyalty and positive referrals, and position yourself as the expert in your community.

  • Better understand what aural rehabilitation is and how it developed
  • Identify why AR is essential in the satisfaction of patients
  • Gain knowledge of how to incorporate AR in every appointment
  • Re-familiarize yourself with current assistive listening devices
  • Establish, or refine, your own counseling and AR approaches
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