Hearing Aid Compression, Digital Microphones & Noise Reduction
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Are you up to speed on hearing aid compression technology?

Today’s hearing aids are designed to improve audibility and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Audibility is a gain issue and this is in the territory of compression. Wide dynamic range compression is generally applied to mild-moderate sensori-neural hearing loss (SNHL), while output limiting compression is applied to severe-profound SNHL. An understanding of compression in yesterday’s analog hearing aid enables one to better understand and appreciate how compression is applied in today’s digital hearing aids.

Join us for an in-depth look at how compression evolved from its origins in the 1980s, through the 1990s when compression types flourished, to today’s use of compression. Expert presenter Ted Venema, PhD, will present an overview of various compression types and connect them to their respective clinical applications.

  • Describe the concepts of various compression types as they historically appeared in hearing aids.
  • Explain the differences between WDRC and output limiting compression.
  • Compare the applications of compression types for mild-moderate versus severe-profound SNHL.
  • Outline how compression is typically applied in todays’ digital hearing aids.
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