How to Make a Successful Transition to ICD-10 CM
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The countdown is underway for implementation of the ICD-10 CM code set, which will be required by all U.S. healthcare entities beginning October 1, 2015. Whether yours is a small or large practice, education, training and testing will be necessary to be prepared for the upcoming deadline.

Expert presenter Amy Hayes, Owner of The Office Assistant, LLC and AHIMA Approved ICD-10 CM Trainer, will guide you through a high-level overview of ICD-10 CM code structure and information specific to hearing healthcare providers. She will also cover information on how this may impact your practice, and what steps you should be taking to prepare yourself for ICD-10 CM implementation.

The time to start planning for the October deadline is now.

  • Describe the new code structure
  • Assess where you are in the transition process
  • Identify what steps to take in preparation for coding using ICD-10 CM
  • Organize and plan ICD-10 CM testing with your vendors
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